Good Morning Parents, Staff and Community Members,
We waited as long as we could, and hoped for the best, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the weather is going to cooperate. As a result of the rain in the forecast, the homecoming parade and pregame ceremony will be canceled. The rain is not good for the band instruments and makes the turf dangerous for dance and cheer performances.
However, we are still planning on making the best of the situation. Our students worked really hard on their floats, and will still be bringing them to the high school to be judged and put on display for the game.
The game is still on, so I encourage you all to join us and root on our 4-1 Falcons as they take on Huntington. Game time is 2 o’clock. While at the game, stop by the Falcon’s Nest and support our Deer Park Booster Club.
Let’s make the best of today, show our Falcon spirit, and support our fantastic Deer Park Students and our amazing Deer Park Falcons Football Team.
James Cummings