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JQA Second Graders Encounter Marine Life at In-School Seashore Safari

Second graders at John Quincy Adams Primary School thumbnail264200

Second graders at John Quincy Adams Primary School took an in-school field trip to the beach at the end of January, courtesy of Cornell University’s Seashore Safari program. This hands-on presentation introduced the students to local marine life, including shellfish, hermit crabs, horseshoe crabs and Long Island’s largest sea snail, the whelk. The second graders had the opportunity to touch live seashore animals that they could find here on Long Island, and learn about how these animals use shells to protect their bodies and search for food.

Date Added: 2/10/2025

Deer Park HS Wins $3,500 TangerKids Grant for Hydroponic Garden

Deer Park HS Wins $3,500 TangerKids Grant for Hydroponic Garden  thumbnail264201

Deer Park High School was recently named one of only nine finalists in the country for the nationwide TangerKids Members Choice grant program. Earlier this school year, the school’s science and family and consumer science departments teamed up and applied for a $2,500 TangerKids grant to establish a hydroponic garden. With the additional funding from Members Choice, voted on by the public, Deer Park’s total grant for the garden was $3,500.

TangerKids representatives, led by Tanger Marketing Director Amaka Muir, visited the school on Jan. 31 to present the students and teachers with a ceremonial check.

“It’s going to benefit the school tremendously,” Muir said. “Everything will be grown locally and the garden will be sustainable. We are so happy to be able to pick your school, and you all should be very proud.”  

“This garden will produce up to 384 pounds of fresh produce each year, providing FACS students direct and consistent access to fresh, nutritionally dense ingredients,” Director of Social Studies and FACS Vanessa Langdon said, “By learning about hydroponic farming, science students can understand how this method contributes to sustainable food systems, reduces our carbon footprint and human impact on the planet.”

“We are grateful for the support Tanger has shown us through this process and are very excited to bring this garden to the students of Deer Park High School,” Director of Science and Technology Alison Branca-Peterson said.

Date Added: 2/10/2025

May Moore Joyously Rings in the Lunar New Year

May Moore Joyously Rings in the Lunar New Year    thumbnail264199

May Moore Primary School rang in the Lunar New Year on Jan. 28 with a vibrant and joyful parade. First graders proudly marched through the hallways, leading a magnificent dragon as the rest of the school’s students and staff lined the hallways, cheering and celebrating. The festivities continued in the cafeteria, where the students enjoyed traditional foods, honoring the rich cultural traditions of the holiday. 

“It was a wonderful day of learning, unity and joy as we welcomed the new year together,” Associate Principal Kimberly Essig said.

Date Added: 2/10/2025

DPHS January Students of the Month

Livia Mortensen de Oliveira was named Scholar of the Month and Fiona Matin was named Citizen of the Month   thumbnail264135
Deer Park High School recently honored the January Students of the Month: Livia Mortensen de Oliveira was named Scholar of the Month and Fiona Matin was named Citizen of the Month. Both students have exemplified outstanding qualities that contribute to our school community.

Mortensen de Oliveira exemplifies dedication and excellence in learning. Through hard work and perseverance, she has consistently excelled in Living Environment. Known for her curiosity, Mortensen de Oliveira frequently attends extra help sessions and asks insightful questions to deepen her understanding of course topics. As a Falcon leader, she supports and mentors her peers with kindness and generosity.  

Matin is a compassionate and hardworking student in Spanish 2 who consistently gives her best effort. Her academic success is matched by her empathy and thoughtfulness. During a challenging time for her teacher, Matin wrote a heartfelt message expressing her appreciation for the class and the teacher's efforts, making a lasting impact.  

"Congratulations to Livia and Fiona for embodying the spirit of excellence and kindness," Associate Principal for Guidance and Support Services Dr. Dina Pannone said.  
Scholar of the Month honors students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, a strong commitment to their studies and a passion for learning, while Citizen of the Month recognizes students who exhibit outstanding character, leadership qualities and a commitment to making a positive impact on our school community and beyond.

Date Added: 2/6/2025

Three Deer Park Swimmers Earn All-League Honors

juniors Alexa Flores and Vanessa Cayea and senior Andrea Cayea thumbnail264048
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Reflecting their successful season, three members of Deer Park High School’s girls varsity swimming team – juniors Alexa Flores and Vanessa Cayea and senior Andrea Cayea – were recently awarded All-League honors at the Suffolk County Coaches Association dinner.

“These multisport athletes spend only a few months swimming each year, yet demonstrate the capacity to compete and reclaim All-League honors against their competitors who swim year-round,” coach Craig Mangio said. “I find that impressive. Congratulations to Andrea, Vanessa and Alexa on achieving this feat.”

Date Added: 2/4/2025