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Board Policies

To access the Policy Manual:

  1. Click here to access the Board Policy Manual.
  2. Follow instructions online or see below.

To Browse the Table of Contents:

  1. Click on "Table of Contents" in the top middle.
  2. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to expand or collapse an item and view its subparts.
  3. To view an item, click its title.
  4. To go to the next policy, hit "Next" - Turn Page (bottom left corner).
  5. Where applicable, cross-references and Legal Citations may be found at the bottom of a policy. Clicking with the left mouse button will take you away from that policy (for cross-references) or away from the manual completely (legal citations). Click with the right mouse button and hit "Open in New Window" to open a new window.

To Search for a policy via a particular word or phrase:

  1. Click on "Search" in the upper right corner.
  2. Enter a search term (word or phrase) in the space provided; hit OK.
  3. A list of policies with your search term will be displayed.
  4. All instances of your search term in a policy will be highlighted by red arrows.
  5. To skip to the next search term instance, hit "Next" - Search hits (bottom right corner)
  6. To remove the arrows or start a new search, hit "Clear Search" at the bottom of the page or in the top right corner.