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Youth Fitness Swim

Appropriately challenging, fun, guided workouts for experienced youth swimmers and off season school team swimmers interested in fitness opportunities. 

Generally this program is appropriate for swimmers aged 6-18 who have previously participated in our Youth Learn to Swim Gulls, Petrels, Flamingos, Osprey, Seahawks or Falcons or an American Red Cross level 4 and above at another facility. This is NOT lessons and does not include that type of direct contact or physical support.  Swimmers will be assigned lanes and space on the bleachers so that everyone has personal space. Workouts consist of a stretching warm up, drill and endurance sets, and a cool down. Swimmers will learn about heart rate and a perceived exertion scale as tools for assessing physical fitness. Kickboards, pull buoys and fins are some of the equipment they will use. 

Pre-requisite skills (potential participants evaluated during public lap & recreational swim hours upon request)

-Feet first entry into chest-deep water with complete submersion and recovery to surface

-Swim front crawl stroke for 25 meters (1 pool length),

-Demonstrate maintained position on back for 1 minute in deep water while floating or sculling

-Swim backstroke for 15 meters while maintaining a horizontal body position. 

-Safely exit the water  

Spring 2025 Schedule: Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 PM March 25th-May 6th NOT April 15th 

Enrollment Fee per seasonal session: Deer Park Resident $50  Non Deer Park Resident $100 

1. Email your enrollment requests for Youth Fitness AND any other requests from your family who wish to enroll  in Spring 2025 instructional programs by March 17th.  Email

Requests MUST include (copy and paste filled in with your answers recommended):

  • Participant's Name, age and date of birth
  • The mailing address for this family
  • First and second choice of class (where applicable)

2. You will receive confirmation by email reply with an attached fact sheet including any current guidelines. DO NOT attend without confirmation.

3.  Registration forms are signed when payments are collected in person at the first attended class for this program OR during public swim hours March 24th-27th.  

Enrollment Fees for Youth Fitness: Deer Park Resident $50  Non Deer Park Resident $100






  *There are NO workouts between December 17th and January 5th due to meets and holiday closures.*
  *There are NO workouts between December 17th and January 5th due to meets and holiday closures.*