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Deer Park High School Recognizes Spring Athletes

Deer Park High School Recognizes Spring Athletes thumbnail247922

Deer Park High School celebrated its athletes at its spring varsity sports awards, held in the school auditorium on June 8. Athletic Director Dominick Fontana congratulated the athletes on all of their accomplishments and thanked the parents for their dedication and unwavering support.

The Unified basketball and bowling teams were first called to the stage to be recognized for a fantastic season. The eight spring varsity teams were then recognized and four athletes per team were awarded plaques for the Most Improved Player, Sportsmanship Award, Coach’s Award and most valuable player. Additional awards were also handed out to special players.

Congratulations to the following award winners:

Girls Golf: Bianca Bell (Coach’s Award), Brianna Boyd (Sportsmanship Award), Gloria Min (Most Improved Player) and Kayleigh Pellicano (MVP).

Boys Lacrosse: Massimo Capozza (Sportsmanship Award), Nadal Charles (Unsung Hero Award) Brandon LaGonterie (Coach’s Award), John Laird III (Hard Hat Award), Joel Nash (Spirit Award) and Marley Witzman (MVP)

Girls Lacrosse: Addison Costanza (Sportsmanship Award), Kristin Farina (Coach’s Award), Taylor Gaskin (Most Improved Player), Leah Means (All-Rookie Award), Lorelai Silverstein (Unsung Hero Award Award) and Fiona Stapleton (MVP).

Boys Tennis: Timothy Celona (Coach’s Award), Sameer Chaudhary (MVP), Jeshurun Daniel (Most Improved Player) and Ryder Min (Sportsmanship Award).

Baseball: Nolan Delargy (Most Improved Player), Joseph DeSimone (Carmine Argenziano Baseball Scholarship), Michael Hendrickson (Sportsmanship Award), Vincent LaCasia (MVP) and Christian Maxwell (Coach’s Award).  

Softball: Summer Eisenberg (Coach’s Award), Kayley Eising (MVP), Madison Picciocchi (Most Improved Player), Alana Villavicencio (Sportsmanship Award).

Boys Spring Track: Aiden Arifi (Coach’s Award), Jovani Elysee-Holloway (MVP), Luciano Stallone (Most Improved Player) and Reza Zoraksh (Sportsmanship Award).

Girls Spring Track: Lesley Almanzare (Sportsmanship Award), Ava Capone (Coach’s Award), Chelsea Cornelia (Rookie Award), Olivia Corrado (Most Improved Player), Alexandra Geosits (Co-MVP) and Natalia Lee (Co-MVP).

Date Added: 6/15/2023